Random Thoughts by MommaSquid

Monday, July 31, 2006

Oh, Schadenfreude!

Mel Gibson, you have revealed your true nature at last. Have fun trying to get out of the mess you’ve made.

You got your last dollar from me when I bought Lethal Weapon 4 on DVD.

MSN Article

South Park Fun

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Firing Range Idiots

Last Tuesday I went to the indoor firing range. Tuesday is Ladies Day and women get free range time. Free and I get to shoot stuff...I'm there!

So, I register for a lane assignment, put my eyes and ears on, and head into the range area. What's this? People using my lane?

Me: "Excuse me, but I was just assigned this lane."
Idiot: "I'm using this lane."
Me: "I was just assigned this lane."
Idiot: "We were assigned lanes 3 and 4 but we switched."
Me: "You need permission to switch lanes. This is my lane now."
Idiot: "Oh." (grumble, grumble)

I didn't catch what he said after "oh" because I had my ears on and didn't care to listen anyway.

A few minutes later, I'm happily firing away and the Range Master comes in and calls a cease-fire. This means we all have to stop shooting, safety and bench our weapons, and step behind the yellow safety line. I complied and joined Idiot and his group behind the yellow line. One of the moving target holders jammed up, so a range employee walked up the lane to get it un-jammed. In order to ensure his safety, everyone is supposed to stay behind the yellow line and away from the guns.

Apparently the words "rules" and "safety" mean nothing to Idiot and his equally idiotic friends. Almost immediately, they step over the yellow line and begin wandering around. Near the guns. The guns with bullets in them. Most people who use firearms have a healthy respect for safety on the range. But not Idiot. The Range Master had to pull him and his friends back behind the yellow line and explain the importance of following directions. I would have kicked their sorry butts out, but that's just me.

I have no patience for Firing Range Idiots.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

First Post

Welcome to my very first blog post. How exciting! I'm a minimalist, so you won't find anything fancy on this blog. If you're looking for a lot of pictures and music files, this is not the blog for you.

I plan to talk about the random thoughts I have in my head. Believe me, some are more random than others.

A little background: I am a married thirty-something female. I'm originally from PA but I've moved around quite a bit and am currently living in AZ. I've taken college courses, but I don't have a degree. I am a registered Libertarian. My interests include music, movies, books, guns, tattoos and a whole lot more. Often I find myself surrounded by idiots, but we'll get to that later.

That's all for now. I have to pace myself.