Why is the anniversary of my son’s death so painful? It’s not as though I haven’t been missing him every minute of every day for the past five years; and yet I still find myself a blubbery mess on the actual anniversary. Am I subconsciously allowing myself to feel things I normally try to suppress (without much success) other days?
Whatever the reason, I haven’t left the house in two days and I keep breaking out in tears. Time does not heal all wounds, and whoever propagates that lie should be slapped.
Pass the Kleenex.
Whatever the reason, I haven’t left the house in two days and I keep breaking out in tears. Time does not heal all wounds, and whoever propagates that lie should be slapped.
Pass the Kleenex.
Ah hell, you're human. You feel what you're supposed to feel. Who says you should feel one way or another? Your experience is just one more in the tapestry that is life. Embrace it is what I say, don't be scared of it.
Fredrick Stevens, At
6:55 AM
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