Random Thoughts by MommaSquid

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I Voted Today

OK, I didn’t really vote today…I had an early ballot and mailed it in over a week ago. I’m too lazy to stand in line at the polling place, show three forms of ID, and fill out a long, confusing ballot with no chair to sit in while I refer to my notes to assist me. I actually researched the ballot issues and it took more than a little bit of time. In Arizona there were 19 ballot propositions, a bond issue, judges from County Superior Court, State Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals up for re-election along with the Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, etc; the list goes on and on. Who are these people?

I am a registered Libertarian. I know that most (all?) of the Libertarians on the ballot in my state will not win the seat they ran for, but even if my votes were merely s symbolic gesture it was still worth my time to vote. The Republicans and Democrats are doing a shitty job of running things. Libertarians believe government should take a smaller role in people’s lives. Here’s a quote from the Libertarian Party website:

"What is a Libertarian?

Libertarians believe that you have the right to live your life as you wish, without the government interfering -- as long as you don’t violate the rights of others. Politically, this means Libertarians favor rolling back the size and cost of government, and eliminating laws that stifle the economy and control people’s personal choices."

Libertarian Party Website

If we all took a little more responsibility for the world around us, instead of relying on the government to take care of us (and complaining about it when they do a lousy job) the world would be a better place.

I hope you participated in the democratic process today, no matter who you voted for.


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