Random Thoughts by MommaSquid

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I just got home from a visit to the family homestead in PA. Since I live in AZ and time was a factor, I was forced to fly. I hate flying, which is not the same as being afraid to fly.

I hate everything that goes along with an airplane flight: dragging my luggage through the airport; paying extra if my luggage weighs two ounces more than the 50 lb. limit; being forced to strip before going through security (watch, jacket, sneakers); being selected for additional screening (during which the security guard fondles me more than my husband has in a long time); having my shampoo confiscated for being in a generic, unlabeled travel bottle instead of it’s original packaging (which is larger than 3 oz. and no longer allowed); showing ID over and over again; cramming myself into the too narrow, overpriced airline seat next to a guy who thinks my armrest belongs to him simply because he’s a man. Aaaarrgh! The frustration!

I purchased our tickets online and selected aisle seats for both hubby and me. I like an aisle seat, so the only way I can sit next to hubby is with him shoe-horned into the middle seat or across from me in the other aisle seat. Since I wouldn’t wish a middle seat on my worst enemy, and the aisle is only about 7 inches away, I selected the latter option. We checked in and made our way to the gate, and since the airline attendant handed the boarding passes to hubby I didn’t see them until we were about to board and it was too late. Hubby had been reassigned to a middle seat! Noooooooooo! We spent the flight practically in each others laps which made the day even worse than I was expecting.

I know Jerry Seinfeld has already waxed philosophical about this issue, but when you make a reservation it should be held in the manner you intended it to be held. If you reserve an aisle seat, you shouldn’t have to cram yourself into the middle seat. If you reserve a luxury vehicle, you shouldn’t have to drive a sub-compact.

Which reminds me: the next time we need a rental car I am going to handle the reservation, not hubby!


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